Hi all, and happy summer!The CAN project is still going strong throughout the summer months! Read on for the latest updates.Construction status – we have finished paneling all of the walls and ceilings and have started on the flooring. We will not work on July 4, so our next work day is scheduled forSaturday, July 11 at 9am.We will be installing interior doors and trim, continuing the flooring work, and painting. All are welcome to join us – tools and instruction are provided.Thank you to our local church partners – we have reached out to some local churches that have expressed an interest in the CAN project. Advent Lutheran Church in Richboro and Family of God in Jamison are both taking collections of supplies for Kisumu to include with what we are sending. If you have connections with another church or community organization that would like to be involved in any way, please contact the church office.Please keep the CAN project in your prayers this summer, as well as the people in Kisumu, Kenya who are awaiting this clinic and supplies. And as always, please feel free to contact me with questions or suggestions.Together we CAN make a difference.Susan
Update from God’s Love